2024 TiA BUILDING_C/Torres i Amat 7-11, Barcelona.
Change of use from office to 16 new apartments.
2024 ART II_Pz. Sapujo 9, Arties, Val d’Aran.
Single-family house.
2024 MTL_C/ Mayor 10, Bausen, Val d’Aran.
Single-family house renovation.
2024 MTL II_C/ Mayor 12, Bausen, Val d’Aran.
Change of use from barn to single-family house.
2024 BAU_C/ Mayor 72, Bausen, Val d’Aran.
Change of use from barn to single-family house.
2024 ARRÒ_Forest area, Arrò, Val d’Aran.
Full rehabilitation of single-family house.
2024 MLPB_Pz/ Major 6, Salardú, Val d’Aran.
Multi-family building.
2024 PRO II_C/ Provença 264, Barcelona.
Division of existing apartment to create a new one.
2024 E7_C/ Estruc 7, Barcelona.
Building rehabilitation and elevator installation.
2024 E5_C/ Estruc 5, Barcelona.
Facade rehabilitation.
2024 PAU BUILDING_C/ Sant Pau 28, Barcelona.
Full building rehabilitation with 15 apartments.
2024 LA BORDETA_Val d’Aran.
Rural house renovation in the middle of the mountains.
2024 LORDA_C/Lorda 19, Barcelona.
New local for storage rooms for rent.
2024 HOTEL CORTÉS_C/ Santa Anna 25, Barcelona.
Hotel attic floor renovation.
2024 COMTAL 13 BUILDING_C/ Comtal 13, Barcelona.
Building renovation in the Old Quarter of the city of Barcelona for Apart-hotel.
2024 VP3_C/ Ventura Plaja 3, Barcelona.
Elevator installation in multi-family building.
2023 MUN II_C/ Muntaner 382-386, Barcelona.
Division of existing apartment to create a new one.
2021 PORTELL BUILDING_C/ Coll del Portell 57, Barcelona.
Full facade building rehabilitation.
2021 MUNTANER BUILDING_C/ Muntaner 382-386, Barcelona.
Division of existing apartment to create a new one and full building facade intervention.
2019 VILANOVA HOUSE_Plaza Munna 4, Arties, Val d’Aran.Building with two single-housing for two brothers.
2019 MF BUILDING_C/ Vallés 82., Sant Cugat del Vallès, Vallès Occidental.
Seven housing building in Sant Cugat.
2015 SARDÀ ARGILAGÒS BUILDING_ Marià Aguiló 52, Barcelona.
Renovation of a housing building in the old part of the Poble Nou section.
2014 VAL BUILDING_C/Valencia 439, Barcelona.
Renovation of a housing building to build 18 houses.
2012 CRC BUILDING_C/ Creu Coberta 87, Barcelona.
Renovation of a 8 housing building for touristic apartments use.
2011 GRAFER BUILDING I_59/61 Cerdanyola Ave., Sant Cugat del Vallès, Vallès Occidental.
Twenty-two housing building in the ‘eixample’ of Sant Cugat.
2011 BORDA PLAÇA MAJOR_Salardú (Naut Aran), Vall d’Aran
Renovation of five housing building in Plaça Major.
2010 CASTET BUILDING_ Vilamòs, Mijaran, Vall d’Aran. 4 housing building.
2010 HOUSES IN TREDÒS_Tredòs (Naut Aran), Vall d’Aran. Construction in progress. 20 housing multi-family unit project.
2010 BORDA ISABEL 2_ Salardú (Naut Aran), Vall d’Aran. – Two housing project with parking.
2008 FEDERICO GARCIA LORCA BUILDING_Les Roquetes. Sant Pere de Ribes, Garraf. Isolated ten housing building, parking and two stores.
2008 VILAFRANCA BUILDING_ Vilafranca del Penedès, Alt Penedès. – Collaboration in a renovation project of a housing building in the old part of town.
2008 SANT BLAS BUILDING. _Vilach, Mijaran, Val d’Aran – Four housing and parking
2008 FERRER I VIDAL BUILDING_Vilanova i la Geltrú, Garraf - 5 housing building and two stores Renovation.
2008 OROTAVA BUILDING_c. Consell de Cent, Barcelona – Global renovation project of a seven housing building.
2008 GRAFER BUILDING II_ C/Vallès 82, Sant Cugat del Vallés, Vallés Occidental.
Seven housing front facade building in Barrio del Coll section.
2008 SEGURA HOUSES_Vielha, Vall d’Aran – Single housing and three housing multi-family building project.
2008 BAKERY BUILDING_Vielha.Mijaran, Vall d’Aran – Eleven housing building with stores.
2008 DIPUTACIÓ BUILDING_c. Diputació, 325-327, Barcelona – 18 housing project in the ‘Eixample’.
2008 CASAS SALARDÚ-2_Salardú (Naut Aran), Val d’Aran – Proyecto de un grupo de cinco viviendas.
2007 COMTAL 9 BUILDING_c. Comtal 9, Barcelona
Renovation of a building in the Old Area of Barcelona, in order to build 17 housings and a store.
2007 ESTRUC BUILDING_c. Estruc, Barcelona – Four housing building and stores in Ciutat Vella.
2007 PUJADA D’EN CINTO_Vilanova i la Geltrú, Garraf
Building renovation in the Vilanova old area, in order to build four housing with gardens.
2007 MESTRES HOUSING_Salardú (Naut Aran), Vall d’Aran – Six housing building.
2006 AUVIATGE IN VILAMÒS _Vilamòs, Mijaran, Val d’Aran – Five housing group.
2006 HOUSING EN BETLAN_Betlan (Vielha e Mijaran), Val d’Aran
Land distribution and executive project of a 17 housing group.
2006 HOUSING IN THE VIELHA CINEMA_Vielha.Mijaran, Vall d’Aran
Project of 34 housing, 16 civic housing for renting, and 18 civic housing for sale, with parking for the Institut Català del Sòl (Catalan Institute of Soil). Sergio Gimeno/Silvia Contreras/Jordi Monferrer
2006 ESLAVA HOUSE_Vilamòs (Mijaran), Vall d’Aran – Two housing in Calle Mayor.
2006 CASP BRUC_c.Casp 35 – 17 housing building and parkings project.
2006 BORDA RODELLAR_Cassau, Val d’Aran – Renovation of an old cottage for four housing.
2004 LES BUILDING_Sector La Guà, Les. Baish Aran, Val d’Aran
Ten housing civic building for Institut Català del Sòl (Catalan Institute of Soil). – Collaborator: Gemma Sallent
1999 PEIROT HOUSE. _Betrén, Val d’Aran – Seven houses renovation in ‘Casa Peirot Auviatge’.
1998 CAP D’ERA VILA_Vielha, Mijaran, Val d’Aran – Three housing front facade building and a store.
SALARDÚ HOUSES_Salardú, Val d’Aran – Five houses group in Prat deth Pont.
1997 TECSA-2 BUILDING_Vielha, Mijaran, Val d’Aran
Nine housing isolated building and three stores. – Collaborators: Lluís Nadal, Ramon Canals and Pedro García.
1996 TECSA BUILDING_Vielha, Mijaran, Val d’Aran
Thirteen housing isolated building and three stores. – Collaborators: Elisenda Bonet and Pedro García.
Closed competition for a building project with flats, offices and ground floor commercial premises. 18895 m2. In collaboration with Concepto Aldeco
2008 80 HOUSINGS IN DUBAI_Palm Jebel Alí, Dubai, Arab United Emirates.
Restricted competition for a public housing residential building project + 20 for the DAMAC property developers.
2006 34 HOUSING IN VIELHA’S CINEMA_Vielha.Mijaran, Vall d’Aran
Project of 34 housing, 16 civic housing for renting, and 18 civic housing for sale, with parking. Award by the Institut Català del Sòl (Catalan Institute of Soil).
Sergio Gimeno/Silvia Contreras/Jordi Monferrer
Selected, 1st Stage. Public Bidding Process INCASOL_Sergio Gimeno/Silvia Contreras/Jordi Monferrer
2005 18 HOUSING FOR OLD PEOPLE_Tossa de Mar, Girona
Selected, 1st Stage. Public Bidding Process INCASOL_Sergio Gimeno/Silvia Contreras/Jordi Monferrer
2004 LES BUILDING_Sector La Guà, Les. Baish Aran, Vall d’Aran
Ten civic housing building_ Award project by the Institut Català del Sòl (Catalan Institute of Soil). Collaborator: Gemma Sallent
1997 MIG ARAN CHURCH_Mijaran, Val d’Aran
Third position in the restricted public bidding process of renovation en extension of Mijaran Church.
2023 UNHA HOUSE_C/ Major 12, Unha, Val d’Aran.
Change of use from barn to single-family house.
2023 URTAU BUILDING_Plaza Urtau 1, Arties, Val d’Aran.
Single-family house.
2023 ADT HOUSE_C/ Sacortia 11, Arties, Val d’Aran.
Two housing building in an old barn building.
2023 RSM II APARTMENT_C/ Riera de Sant Miquel 47, Barcelona
Apartment renovation.
2023 SRR HOUSE_C/ Sarriulera 20, Vielha, Val d’Aran.
Full rehabilitation of single-family house.
2023 SRR II HOUSE_C/ Sarriulera 37, Vielha, Val d’Aran.
Single-family housing renovation.
2022 MASIA BACH_Masia Bach area, Sant Esteve Sesrovires.
Single-family housing.
2022 EDT APARTMENT_C/Eduard Tuabu 18, Barcelona.
Union of two apartments.
2022 GLV PENTHOUSE_C/ Gleva 7, Barcelona.
Penthouse apartment renovation.
2021 RSM PENTHOUSE_C/ Riera de Sant Miquel 47, Barcelona.
Penthouse apartment renovation.
2020 VVD HOUSE_Vallvidrera area, Barcelona.
Luxury single-family housing renovation in the high part of the city.
2020 VIL HOUSE_Plaza dera Gleisa 9, Vilac, Val d’Aran.
Single-family housing renovation.
2019 CDR APARTMENT_C/Ciudad Real 22, Barcelona.
Apartment renovation.
2019 BECKER HOUSE_C/Via Augusta 246, Barcelona.
Change of use from local to house, and full renovation.
2019 GLV APARTMENT_C/Gleva 7, Barcelona.
Apartment renovation
2019 MDS APARTMENT_C/Major de Sarrià 86, Barcelona.
Apartment renovation.
2018 ARTIES_Plaza Sapujo, Arties, Val d’Aran.
Single-family housing renovation.
2017 CANEJAN HOUSE_Era Mola Area, Val d'Aran. Single-family housing renovation in a forest area.
2012 IMMA HOUSE_c/Pau Alcover 49, Barcelona. Single-family housing renovation.
2012 AÏTCIN HOUSE_C/ Mollet 15, Castelldefels – Single-family housing renovation.
2012 CAROL HOUSE_C/Provença 264, Barcelona – Single-family housing renovation.
2011 CONTRERAS HOUSE_Es Bordes, Vall d’Aran – Single-family housing renovation.
2010 ZULUETA HOUSE_Vielha, Vall d’Aran – Single-family housing renovation.
2010 BORRÀS HOUSE_Arròs (Mijaran) Vall d’Aran – Renovation of an old cottage into a single-family housing.
2009 DE DIEGO HOUSE_Arties (Naut Aran) Vall d’Aran – Single-family housing project.
2009 SEBASTIAN HOUSE_C/ Comtal 15, Barcelona – Housing renovation.
2008 MAGUREGUI HOUSE_Arties (Naut Aran), Vall d’Aran – Housing renovation.
2008 PUIG HOUSE_ C/Pau Claris 155, Barcelona – Housing renovation.
2007 JAQUET HOUSE_Les Vall d’Aran – Single-family housing renovation.
2006 DURRO_Durro (Vall de Boí), Alta Ribaborça – Little housing renovation in the old area of the romanic centre of Durro.
2006 GRAMONA HOUSE_Arties, Val d’Aran – Partial renovation of a house.
2005 PLETA ETH CORNER_Garòs (Naut Aran), Val d’Aran - Four houses in line renovation in “Pleta eth Corner”
2003 TIRANT LO BLANC_Plaça Tirant lo Blanc 7 – Housing renovation in Olimpic Village.
2002 DE L’HORT HOUSE_Vielha, Val d’Aran – Single-family house for a young couple.
2002 FX HOUSE_Vacarisses, Vallès Occidental – Single-family house isolated in the mountain.
2002 BONANOVA STUDIO_c. Pomeret, Barcelona – Studio for a single.
2001 CAROL-ABRIL HOUSING_c. Sicilia - c.Aragó, Barcelona – Flat renovation for a young couple.
1999 PUIGVERD HOUSE_Puigverd, Lleida – Single-family house.
1999 ST VICENÇ HOUSES_Sant Vicenç de Montalt, Barcelona. – Two housing renovation.
1998 RIBA-ROJA HOUSE_Riba-roja del Túria, Pais Valencià – Single-family house.
1998 GRANADA HOUSE_La Granada del Penedés – Single-family house.
1997 BORDA ELENA_Tredós, Val d’Aran – Renovation of a cottage in Cap d’Aran.
1996 TON DE RAMON HOUSE_Vielha, Val d’Aran – Housing renovation.
1994 MATEU HOUSE_Vielha, Val d’Aran – Single-family house renovation.
1994 GÓMEZ HOUSE_Talarn, Pallars
Between side walls housing in Talarn. Collaborators: Elisenda Bonet and Pedro García.
1992 LA FORJA_c. La Forja, Barcelona – Apartment renovation.
1988 PAUET HOUSE_Vielha, Val d’Aran – Single-family house. Collaborator:J.A. Boguñà Fisas.
2021 MDC POOL_C/ Riera Frausa 33, Maçanet de Cabrenys.
Swimming pool construction and design.
2019 ROOF DESIGN_c/Joaquin Esteve Llach 8, Tossa de Mar. Design and new access to the roof of a single house with magnificent views to Mediterranean sea.
2017 THE BARN_c/Major 11, Arties, Val d’Aran. Rehabilitation and ampliation of a roof barn.
2015 APART-HOTEL GAUDÍ_c/ Avenida Gaudí 20B, Barcelona. Rehabilitation project and use change from housing to Apart-hotel.
2014 LANDSCAPE MASIA COLONIAL_c/ Cant dels Ocells 14, Premià de Dalt. Landscape project of a Colonial housing located in the outskirtsof Premià de Dalt.
2013 CLASIC CARS MUSEUM_c/ Trafalgar 34, Barcelona. Rehabilitation project and use change from housing to classic cars museum.
2013 84 APARTAMENTS TURISTICS_Within Barcelonas 22@ urban plan. A project for a building with rental apartments for tourists, with a communal leisure area. 16.411 m2
2012 TARRAGONA CENTRE HOTEL_Rambla Vella 7, Tarragona. – Project of renovation of a building into a 70 rooms Hotel.
2011 JDC BUILDING_Junta de Comerç, Barcelona.
Renovation of a building in Raval section (Barcelona), for touristic apartments use.
2009 UPC LAB_C/Jordi Girona, D2 building, 31, Barcelona
Renovation of the lab of the ground engineering department of the UPC (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya).
2009 TON DE RAMON RESTAURANT_Vielha, Vall d’Aran
Renovation of a cottage into a restaurant.
2009 “LA SARTEN POR EL MANGO”_Vielha (Mijaran), Val d’Aran
Renovation of a house into a “tapas bar”.
2007 ERA BORDETA HOTEL_Era Bordeta (Vilamòs), Vall d’Aran. Mijaran – Hotel Project.
2006 VIELHA THEATRE_Vielha, Vall d’Aran
New Vielha Theatre Prokect for 300 members of the audience in the ground floor of a projected building for the Incasòl (Catalan Institute of the Soil).
2006 LAWYER’S OFFICE_Vielha, Vall d’Aran
Premises renovation for offices of the firm: Abocam Lawyers.
2006 SG2 NEW OFFICE_c. Provença, Barcelona – Premises renovaton for the new head office of architecture studio.
2006 DENTAL OFFICE_L’Hospitalet de Llobregat, Barcelonès.
Dental Office Nácar with practice area and teaching and practising areas.
2005 EXPO 2008 HOTEL _Zaragoza, Aragón – Public bidding process for a 168 rooms hotel in the Expo Zaragoza 2008 fairground in collaboration with GCA Architects Associated. UA ARRÒS_Arròs (Mijaran), Val d’Aran – Developing of an intervention acting in collaboration with the City Council.
2005 CALAFELL WAREHOUSE_Calafell – Warehouse for cars collection.
2005 PMU GARÒS_Garòs (Naut Aran), Vall d’Aran – Improvement urban plan in Moll section.
2004 PARKING SABOREDO_Baquèira, Vall d’Aran
141 Parking spaces and storage warehouses building study for a hotel.
2001 SALARDÚ HOTEL_Salardú (Naut Aran), Val d’Aran
50 Rooms hotel project and Special Plan for its development.
2000 DISCO BANANAS_Calvià, Mallorca – Two discos unification and integral renovation.
2000 UAR-5 TORRELLES_Torrelles de Llobregat
Land distribution and preliminary plan of a seven housing building.
1996 SERVICES PREMISES_Haro, La Rioja. Services premises in camping Haro, La Rioja.
1995 WAREHOUSE OF THE WOOD_Vielha, Val d’Aran. Industry warehouse for a carpenter’s workshop.
1990 ERA CAVA BAR_Vielha, Val d’Aran. Interior design project in the ‘Creu de la Neu’ shopping mall.